Welcome to the Home Page of
John Joseph Puthenkalam, S.J.

1. "The Comprehension of Freedom: Eastern and Western Ways of Thinking",
Excalibur Press, London, 1995
 (1992年度スイスStraniak 財団優秀論文賞受賞)

"Integrating Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights into Theories of Economic Growth",
Palinsad Publications, Manila, 1998.
Theories of Economic Growth, Vol.I, "Capitalist Growth Path",
Nangei Shuppan, Tokyo, 2000.

Theories of Economic Growth, Vol.II, "Socialist Growth Path",
Nangei Shuppan, Tokyo, 2000.

Theories of Economic Growth, Vol.III, "Growth Path of Economies in Transition",
Nangei Shuppan, Tokyo, 2000.

春秋社, 2000(共著)

"From Economic Development To Human Development",
Puthen Research Initiative, Tokyo, 2001.

 "The Collision of Cultures? Dialogue Between Globalization and Cultural Identity"
Academia Verlag, Germany, 200l.
(1998年度スイスStraniak 財団優秀論文賞受賞)

Ethical Analysis of Social, Economic and Business Principles
倫理の理論 − 分析と考察とケーススタディ
Puthen Research Initiative, Tokyo, 2002

Globalization;The New World Economic Order
Puthen Research Initiative, Tokyo, 2003.

Dialogue Among Civilizations
Zukunftiges Menchsein : Ethik zwischen Ost und West
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, Germany, 2003 (共著)
( What is Happiness? )

From Economic Development To Human Development
Thought and Reality of Economic Development
経済開発から人間開発へ 増補資料 Vol.1
Puthen Research Initiative, Tokyo, 2004.

~Sustainable Human Development Strategy for Poverty Alleviation~
Rawat Publications, New Delhi , 2004

人間開発: 〜途上国の発展をめざして〜
Puthen Research Initiative, Tokyo, 2005.

上智大学人間学研究室編, 2005(共著)

上智大学地球環境研究所, 2005(共著)

上智大学地球環境研究所, 2006(共著)

Ethical Analysis of Social, Economic and Business Principles
倫理の理論 分析と考察とケーススタディ 2nd Edition
Puthen Research Initiative, Tokyo, 2006

持続可能な開発をめざして: 環境の世紀・開発の道・途上国の問い
エーエフジェイ出版部, 東京, 2007

「地球環境学U インドの開発と環境」
上智大学地球環境研究所, 2008(共著)

2008, 上智大学

人間開発 〜途上国の発展をめざして〜2nd Ed.
Puthen Research Initiative, Tokyo, 2009

Ethical Analysis of Social, Economic and Business Principles
倫理の理論 分析と考察とケーススタディ 3rd Edition
Puthen Research Initiative, Tokyo, 2009

Participatory Development for Water (参加型開発)
Sustainable Human Development Strategy forEnvironmental Protection
Loyola Publications, Kerala India , 2009

Puthen Research Initiative, Tokyo, 2009

持続可能な開発をめざして: 環境の世紀・開発の道・途上国の問い
エーエフジェイ出版部, 東京, 2010

上智大学現代GP Publication,2010 (共著)

Human Development Approach to Health abd Longevity (人間開発と健康)
Loyola Publications, Kerala, India , 2010

Development Studies: Developing Countries, (途上国の国々)
Sophia Innovation Programme, Tokyo, 2011.

Gender, Democracy and Development (開発と民主主義)
Loyola Publications, Kerala, India , 2011

Development Studies: International Organizations and Developing Countries,
Sophia Innovation Programme, Tokyo, 2012.

Human Development Strategy of MGNREGA, (人間開発と雇用と収入)
Rawat Publications, New Delhi, 2012.

Global Development Study: Developing Countries, International Organizations and
Millennium Development Goals(途上国の開発経済研究)
Sophia Innovation Programme, Tokyo, 2013.

Global Development Partnership: Impact Analysis of Tribals in Kerala, India,
Indian Social Institute Publications, Bangalore, 2014.

Poverty and Hunger: The Millennium Development Goal in the Global and Indian Context,
Indian Social Institute Publication, New Delhi, 2014

Education for Human Capital Formation: Case Study of RTE in India,
Indian Social Institute Publications, Bangalore, 2015

Rural Development (Edited Volume)
Regal Publications, Delhi, 2015

Jesuits and Globalization,(Edited Volume)
Georgetown University Press, Washington, 2016.

40. Economic Growth, Democracy and Human Development
Claretian Publications, Bangalore, 2016.

「地球環境学Tアジアの開発と環境」, 上智大学地球環境研究所, 2019(共著)

Global Development Analysis Developing Countries, International Organizations and
Millennium Development Goals & Sustainable Development Goals , Sophia, Tokyo, 2020.
Global Development Analysis: Millennium Development Goals & Sustainable
Development Goals , Sophia, Tokyo, 2020&2021.
"いのちと霊性", 仙台白百合女子大学カトリック研究所 編 , 2023.
Global Development: SDG 7': Affordable and Clean Energy,
Published by SD Research and St. Teresa's Publishing, Kerala., 2023.

