This English page is an edited version of the Japanese contents of this Home Page. It contains brief accounts of my courses in the undergraduate and graduate programs in International Relations at Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. There are some other links related to those courses at the appropriate places. My personal profile is also an edited version of the Japanese profile.

Explanations of the courses that I offer at Sophia University are found at the Sophia University home page under the syllabi for students of the University.
http://www.sophia.ac.jp へのリンク

For Undergraduate Courses, see:
外国語学部 国際関係副専攻(Wessels) and 総合グローバル学部 総合グローバル学科 

For Graduate Courses, see:
2017年度 大学院 シラバス
グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 国際関係論専攻(Wessels)

Students and faculty of Sophia University may find the Syllabi and Curricula on the LOYOLA page.

The home page of Sophia University is at:



Global and International Studies 1 (Undergraduate lecture course, spring semester, 2017)

Manfred B. Steger, Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2013.

Supplementary readings may be found in the following lecture notes:

International Relations 1 Notes may be found here:
IRNotes(2009edE)Complete.pdf へのリンク

The Japanese text of the class notes for International Relations 1are here:
IRNotes(2009edJ)Complete.pdf へのリンク

Global and International Studies 2 (Undergraduate lecture course, autumn semester, 2017)

The textbook for the course in 2017 is:
Ken Booth, International Relations: All That Matters. Hoddedr & Stoughton, 2014.

The lectures for this class will be given in English.

Supplementary readings may be found in the following lecture notes:

International Relations 2 Notes may be found here:
IRNotes2(2009edE)Complete.pdf へのリンク

The Japanese text of the class notes for International Relations 2 are here:
IRNotes2(2009edJ)Complete.pdf へのリンク

特講(平和研究)Advanced Studies (Peace Research) (undergraduate lecture course, autumn semester)

The textbook for 2017 will be announced before the beginning of the autumn semester. In addition to the textbook, several readings will be introduced.:

The lectures for this course will be given in English.

Seminar (Global and International Studies) 1 (undergraduate seminar course, spring semester. 2017)

The main textbook for the spring semester 2017 is:
Amin Maalouf, In the Name of Identity: Violence and dthe Need to Belong. (Arcade Publishing, 2012 [1996, 2000]).

Seminar (Global and International Studies) 2 (undergraduate seminar course, autumn semester)

The textbook for the autumn semester is:
The same as for the spring semester. Other readings will also be introduced.

Religions and Civilizations

The textbook for academic year 2017 (spring semester) is as follows:
Readings will be announced in class and made available on Moodle.


Courses for the Academic Year 2017 are as follows:

International Relations 1 (Theories)

The textbook for the course is:
Andrew Phillips, War, Religion and Empire: The Transformation of International Orders. (Cambridge University Press, 2011).

International Relations 2 (Thought and Behavior)

The textbook for the course is:
Not yet determined as of March 2017.

Courses for the Adacemic Year 2016 are as follows.

Topics in Peace Research

The textbook for the course is:
Joseph Cirincione, Nuclear Nightmares: Securing the World Before It Is Too Late. Columbia University Press, 2015.

New Topics in Global Studies

The textbook for the course is:
Alexander Betts, Survival Migration: Failed Governance and the Crisis of DisplacementCornell University Press, 2013.

Courses for the Academic Year 2015 are as follows:

International Relations 1 (Theories)

The textbook for the course is:
Jack Snyder, editor, Religion and International Relatioins Theory. (Columbia University Press, 2011).

International Relations 2 (Thought and Behavior)

The textbook for the course is:
Not yet determined as of March 2015.

Courses for the Academic Year 2014 were as follows:

Topics in Peace Research

The textbook for the course is:
Joshua S. Goldstein, Winning the War on War: the Decline of Armed Conflicts. Plume Books (Penguin), 2012.

New Topics in Global Studies

The textbook for the course is:
Thomas G. Weiss, Global Governance: Why? What? Whither? Polity, 2013.

The Bibliographies for the course New Topics in Peace Research may be found at:
UnformattedBibliographyPeaceResearchApril2010.pdf へのリンク
UnformattedJapaneseLanguagePRBibliography.pdf へのリンク

A summary of recent events in the field of disarmament may be found at the following:
RecentEventsReDisarmament.pdf へのリンク

Courses for the Academic Year 2013 were as follows:

International Relations 1

International Relations 2

The principal textbook for these two courses is:

Paul R. Viotti and Mark V. Kauppi, International Relations Theory. Pearson Longman International Edition. Fifth Edition, 2012.

Courses for the Academic Year 2012 were as follows:

Topics in Peace Research

The textbook for the course was:
Monica Duffy Toft, Securing the Peace: The Curable Settlement of Civil Wars. Princeton University Press, 2010.

New Topics in Global Studies

The Bibliographies for the course New Topics in Peace Research may be found at:
UnformattedBibliographyPeaceResearchApril2010.pdf へのリンク
UnformattedJapaneseLanguagePRBibliography.pdf へのリンク

A summary of recent events in the field of disarmament may be found at the following:
RecentEventsReDisarmament.pdf へのリンク
Courses for the Academic Year 2011 were as follows:

There is also a directed studies course for doctoral students (under the Japanese title 研究指導1,2). Students of this program should consult with the director about study plans.