
上智大学  http://www.sophia.ac.jp

2017年度シラバス  総合グローバル学部 総合グローバル学科 Wessels 

2017年度シラバス   外国語学部 国際関係研究専門分野(国際関係副専攻) Wessels


グローバル・国際研究1 Global and International Studies 1

(教科書 Textbook) Manfred B. Steger, Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. Third edition. (Oxford University Press, 2013.

The lectures for this class will be given in English.

(参考資料  Reference Materials)
Class Notes in English for International Relations 1
IRNotes(2009edE)Complete.pdf へのリンク

IRNotes(2009edJ)Complete.pdf へのリンク

グローバル・国際研究2 Global and International Studies 2

(教科書 Textbook) The textbook for this course is:
Ken Booth, International Relations: All That Matters.Hodder & Stoughton, 2014.

The lectures for this class will be given in English.

(参考資料 Reference Materials)
Class Notes in English for International Relations 2
IRNotes2(2009edE)Complete.pdf へのリンク

IRNotes2(2009edJ)Complete.pdf へのリンク

演習(グローバル・国際研究)1 Seminar (Global and International Studies) 1

The main textbook for the spring semester of 2017 will be:
Amin Maalouf, In the Name of Idedntity: Violence and the Need to Belong. (Arcade Publishing, 2013 (1996, 2002])
Other readings will be introduced, also.
The lectures for this class will be given in English.

演習(グローバル・国際研究)2 Seminar
(Global and International Studies) 2

The autumn semester seminar will be a continuation of the spring semester seminar.
The textbook and readings for the autumn semester will be announced at the beginning of the autumn semester.

特講(平和研究) Peace Research

The textbook for this course, which is given in the autumn semester, will be announced before the autumn semester.

The lectures for this course will be given in English.

A lengthy bibliography on Peace Research is linked below:
UnformattedBibliographyPeaceResearchApril2010.pdf へのリンク
UnformattedJapaneseLanguagePRBibliography.pdf へのリンク

Notes on the theme of "Negative Peace and Positive Peace" may be found in the following link:
Negative Peace and Positive Peace 2013.pdf へのリンク

宗教と文明 Religions and Civilizations

The reading material for academic year 2017 (spring semester) will be announced in class and made available on Moodle.

The lectures for this course will be given in English.

