Welcome to the Home Page of
John Joseph Puthenkalam, S.J.
Welcome to Sophia University.
Hope your days in Jouchi Daigaku will be ambitious and a meaningful one.
May you imbibe the spirit of Sophia as you delve deep into
the academic world as well as relate with each other in the campus.
In the campus one can find many extra curricular activities and
I accomapany a group called Meguko.
Meguko is a student NGO organization that strives to support
the education of children in India and Philippines.
They work throughout the year to promote the ideals of Meguko
and you are all welcome tosee the activities of Meguko.
Sophia is a Jesuit university and St. Ignatius of Loyola is the founder of Jesuits.
His companion was St. Francis Xavier.
Sophia University was a dream of St.Francis Xavier and let us all live to fulfill that dream
so that all of us may experience life in all its fullness, love and beauty.
Wish you all the blessings of the season.
John Jospeh Puthenkalam, S.J.
Reflection of Jesuit Father Rodney Kissinger:
"There is only one love ? God’s own love. We are not
creators; we are only receivers and transmitters of God’s own love. We simply accept this love of God poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who is given to us. We let this love permeate our being, radiate from us and overflow to others. This love of God working on us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.
Whether we live a long life or a short one, whether we are
sickly or healthy, whether we are rich or poor, learned or uneducated, whether we accomplish much or little in this world, is only incidental. What is important is that I make the love of God visible in me, that I give the love of God credibility so that others may believe, hope and love and be happy to be themselves."
How then are we to live in these days?
Hope each one of you will find an answer...
わたしたちといつもともにいてくださいます。 あなたはご自分の御からだと御血のとうとい 秘跡によって、わたしたちを神のいのちにあ ずかる者とし、永遠のいのちの喜びを前もっ て味わわせてくださいます。
ちに生きておられるあなたに心をこめて祈り ます。
したちのうちに呼び覚ましてください。母の胎 内に宿ったいのちが、造り主である神のすば らしいみわざであることを認め、生まれてくる すべての子どもたちを、喜びをもって受け入 れることができますように。
ずなが聖なるものとされ、その愛が豊かには ぐくまれますように。
の光によって導いてください。人間のいのち が聖なるものであることをすべての人が認 め、いのちを敬うことができますように。
い。科学や医療の進歩が人々の生活の向上 に貢献し、あらゆるいのちを脅かす力が取り 去られますように。
む心をお与えください。若い家庭が安心して 子どもを産み育てるために、十分な環境が整 えられ、促進されますように。
めを与えてください。あなたからあらゆるよい ものが与えられますように。
られた子どもたちを大切にする心を、すべて の人のうちにはぐくんでください。すべての人 があなたの温かい愛に触れ、あなたの心か らの慰めに満たされますように。
に、わたしたち人類をゆだねてくださいまし た。わたしたちは、いのちを愛し、いのちに仕 える力を、唯一の救い主であるあなたからい ただけるよう、マリアとともに待ち望みます。
一同 アーメン。
Our Big Home: An Earth Poem
We all live here.
People, ants, elephants, trees, lizards,
lichen, turtles, bees.
We all share the same big home.
We share the water. We splash and slosh
and swim in water. And, of course, we all drink water. Whales, dolphins, manatees, penguins, palm trees, you and me. We all share the water here on Earth, our big blue home.
Rain slides down my nose and trickles in
between my toes. Rain cleans the whole world. It waters forests of giant trees and wakes up life in tiny seeds. It brings fresh water to you and me. We all share the rain, here on Earth, our green, growing home.
The sun warms us all, around the world.
Sunflowers, sparrows, apple trees, foxes,
ferns, and you and me. Warm fingers and toes, warm roots and leaves. We all share the sun, here on Earth, our big sun- warmed home.
And there’s dirt all around, our earth, our
ground. Soil where seeds wait and where trees are born, where earthworms live and rabbits dig. Earth that holds life, dirt that feels good under my feet. We all share the soil, here on Earth, our big life-holding home.
And there’s air everywhere, far, far away,
and right next door.
We all breathe Earth’s air. Ahhh….
Doesn’t it feel good to breathe?
People, lizards, ladybugs, oak trees, sweet
peas, even weeds. We all share the air, here on Earth, our big fresh-air home.
Wind whooshes and whirls and sweeps and
swirls. It stirs the grass and shakes the trees. It carries rain and spreads new seeds. It brings fresh air. It blows kids’ hair. All around the world. Wind touches us all, here on Earth, our big whirling home.
The sky, our huge changing picture up
there. I love our sky. Don’t you?
Great sweeps of blue, dabs and swirls of
clouds, wild splashes at sunset.
Wherever we are, we look up and see sky,
sky, sky. Here on Earth, our big home under the sky.
The night, when stars sparkle in the deep,
endless deep, the hushed time when we sink into sleep, when night animals roam, and night flowers bloom. We all have a time of darkness, here on Earth, our home under the big blanket of night.
And our moon travels across the sky, a
creamy pearl, a thin white sail.
Full moon, new moon, shaping our night.
We all share the moon, here, there,
everywhere on Earth, our big moonlit home.
When I stretch, or dance, or hop, or laugh,
when I leap into the air or lay in the grass, I feel alive. We all have that aliveness.
Trees, frogs, bees, grass, spiders, snakes,
earthworms, bats. We all share life, every one of us, here on Earth, our big life- giving home.
We share air, water, soil, sky, sun, rain,
and being alive. And we all share one home, here on Earth. Our precious living home.
Linda Glaser; Elisa Kleven
Our Big Home. An Earth Poem
Minneapolis, Millbrook Press, 2000
ケララのwelcome オーナメント
後に、1908年「イエズス会」が来日し、 1913年には上智大学を設立しました。
ジョン・ジョセフ・プテンカラム, S.J.
Prayer for Peace of St.Francis (Assis)i
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where
there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there
is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be
understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is
in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.
御卒業おめでとうございます whatever you do, Do it with the Spirit of Sophia
WELCOME to the Students of Seminar and MEGUKO
For Details on Pope Francis Visit to Sophia Campus, please refer to the following link:
日、教皇が四谷キャンパスに来校し、お言葉を頂くこととなりました。本学への教皇の訪 問は、1981年の聖ヨハネ・パウロ2世教皇の来校以来、38年ぶりとなります。
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