修士論文:The development of pragmatic competence by Japanese learners of English
in a natural learning context: Interlanguage Apologies
博士論文:Development of Interactional Competencein a Study Abroad Context: Assessments
as Social Actions
(留学環境におけるインターアクション能力の発達: 社会行為としての評価表明)
(1) 1997年 “The Development of Pragmatic Competence by Japanese Learners of English : Longitudinal study on Interlanguage Apologies”
Sophia Linguistica, No. 41
(2) 1997年 “Longitudinal Study on the Development of Pragmatic Competence in a Natural Learning Context: Perception Behind Performance”
Proceedings of Sophia University Linguistic Society,No.12
(3) 1999年 “The Use of Verbal Report in Researching Production of L2 Speech Acts”
(4) 2000年 “Interlanguage Refusals: Facework by Japanese EFL Learners and Americans”
(5) 2001年 “Instructional Effects on Pragmatic Development: Refusal by Japanese EFL learners”
(6) 2003年 “Teaching Refusals in an EFL Setting.” e-book
In Bardovi-Harlig, K., B. S. Hartford, and R. Mahan-Taylor (Eds.) Teaching Pragmatics. Office of English Language Programs, US Department of State.
(7) 2004年 “Raising Pragmatic Awareness in the EFL Context” 「上智短期大学紀要第24号」
(8) 2005年 英語検定試験の動向と英語教育
(9) 2008年 "Effects on Pragmatic Development Through Awareness-raising
Instruction: Refusals by Japanese EFL Learners"
In Eva Alcon Soler and Alicia Martinez-Flor (Eds.) Investigating Pragmatics In Foreign Language Learning, Teaching and Testing (Second Language Acquisition Series). Multilingual Matters.
(10) 2009年 「中間言語語用論と英語教育」 「上智短期大学紀要第29号」
(11) 2010年 "Apologies: Raising learners' cross-cultural awareness"
In Alicia Martínez-Flor and Esther Usó-Juan (Eds.) Speech Act Performance: Theoretical, Empirical and Methodological Issues (Language Learning & Language Teaching)
(12) 2014年 Compliments and Responses to compliments in L2 and L1 Speakers’ Interaction:
A Discursive Approach 「上智大学短期大学部紀要第34号」
(13) 2021年 Reformulation and Co-completion: L1 responses to L2 assessment accounts 「上智大学短期大学部紀要第42号」
(7) 2004年 “The Interface among Interlanguage Pragmatics, Testing, and Language
Teaching” (パネルディスカッション)
Tokyo JALT-Pan-SIG Conference 5月23日 東京経済大学
共パネリスト:A. Cohen (ミネソタ大学), M. Kobayashi (神田外大), H. Molloy (テンプル大学), Y. Watanabe
(8) 2005年 “Pragmatic Development in a Study Abroad Context:
as Social Actions”
2005年度JALT全国大会 10月8日 グランシップ静岡
In Pragmatics SIG Forum "Learners' Stories and Pragmatic Development
Abroad" [Other Presenters in the Forum: H. Cook (ハワイ大学), E. Churchill
(神奈川大学)and M. DuFon (California State University-Chico )]
(9) 2007年 "Pragmatic Development in a Study Abroad Context: Assessments
as Social Actions"
17th International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning ハワイ大学
(10) 2008年 "Pragmatic Development in a Study Abroad
Context: Agreeing with L1 Speakers’ Assessments."
Second Language Research Forum. University of Hawaii, Honolulu. (Poster session)
(11) 2009年 "Pragmatic Development in a Study Abroad Context: Co-constructing
Accounts for Assessments
11th International Pragmatics Conference 7月 メルボルン大学 (Poster session)
(12) 2009年 "Development of Interactional Competence in a Study Abroad
Context: Agreeing with Co-participants' Assessments
SLS (Second Language Studies) Thursday Lecture Series 10月 ハワイ大学