Forward displacement of a moving object

When observers judge vanishing points of moving objects, the localization of moving objects is displaced forward to motion direction. This phenomonon is called as Representational momentum (RM). Since the stronger magnitue of RM reflects the constancy of shape or identity of moving objects, we investigated the object's depth shape information in apparent motion using the magnitude of RM as an index.

Shading objects

The moving objects are "Convex"

Similar to our percieved motion smoothenes experiment, the RM magnitude of the flat second stimulus is larger than that of concave, which had an opposite depth information of moving objects.

The second object is "Flat".

The second object is "Convex".

The second object is "Concave".

The moving objects are "Concave"

Again, consistent with the percieved motion smoothenes experiment, the difference of RM magnitude diminished when the moving objects are "Concave".

The second object is "Flat".

The second object is "Convex".

The second object is "Concave".

Luminance-polarized circles

Observers can not perceive depth from the luminance-polarized circles any longer although these circle has the same luminance polarity with shaded hemispheres. These circles does not replicate the RM differnce observed with "Convex" moving objects

The second object is "Flat".

The second object is "W-B".

The second object is "B-W".

Blurred images

The particular blurred image with low-pass filtering occurs stronger RM magnituede, so that the internal represetation would be identical with these images.

The second object is "Blured1"

The second object is "Blured2".