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1 Primordial Nature of God
(23 paragraphs)
2 Consequent Nature of God(15 paragraphs)
3 Superjective Nature of God(1 paragraph)
1 the Category of Subjective Unity
(5 paragraphs)
2 the Category of Objective Identity (9 paragraphs)
3 the Category of Objective Diversity (5 paragraphs)
4 the Category of Conceptual Valuation (3 paragraphs)
5 the Category of Conceptual Reversion (7 paragraphs)
6 the Category of Transmutation (16 paragraphs)
7 the Category of Subjective Harmony (6 paragraphs)
8 the Category of Subjective Intensity (3 paragraphs)
9 the Category of Freedom and Determination (1 paragraph)
Last Updated: 96/03/17
by Yutaka Tanaka, The Japan Society for Process Studies