If we had to render Plato's general point of view with the least changes made
necessary by the intervening two thousand years of human experience in social
organization, in aesthetic attainments, in science, and in religion, we
should have to set about the construction of a philosophy of organism.

The Contextual Index of Process and Reality
Selected Bibliography
Affiliated Sites
Process Thought No.12 / 2006 |
The Japan Society for Process Studies |
Beyond An Era of Finitude:
The Twenty-Eight Years of The Japan Society for Process Studies
President Haruo Murata
Nisahida and Hojo-Sensei
--In Praise of the Old System of liberal Education
Keiji Matunobu
Metaphysics of Logic and Mathematics
in the Late Period of Whitehead and Nishida
Hiroshi Endo
Others and Time
Ichiro Hirata
Whitehead and the Recent Situation around the
Education in Japan
The Reality of What Cannot Be:
On the Paradoxical Logic in Whiteheads Philosophy
Yasuto Murata
Toward a Whiteheadian Mode of Imagination
Yoshihiro Hayashi
Logical Basis of Process Metaphysics:
A Survey into Whiteheads Theory of Part and Whole
Saito Nobuto
121 |
Process Thought No.11 / 2004 |
The Japan Society for Process Studies |
Memory of the 25th Anniversary
of the Japan Society for Process Studies
Honorary President Keiji Matsunobu
............ 1 Fromm's Thought in the form of Post Modernism
Asano Iino
............ 5 Dilthey and Whitehead
Seisaku Yamamoto ............ 25 Whitehead's View of Life
Yoshihiro Arakawa ............ 47 A.N.Whitehead and Koji Hasegawa:
Toward an Aesthetic Inquiry
Shigeyuki Itow
............ 6 Existence in the Cosmos: An Existential Dimension in Process Thought
Yoshihiro Hayashi ............
85 An Essay on Separation of State and Church and Anti-War Movement
in Modern
Japan in the Sight of Whitehead's Theory of Civilization
Masaharu Hishiki ............ 101 Religion and Politics in Tanabe's Triadic Logic of Species
Makoto Ozaki
............ 115 The Topos of Nothingness and the World Process II: An Essay on Process
Cosmology in Science and Religion
Yutaka Tanaka
............ 133 |
Process Thought No.10 / 2002 |
The Japan Society for Process Studies |
Human Being, Science, and Religion
-in Light of Process Metaphysics-
Hiroshi Endo ............ 1Science and Religion in the Modern Society
Isamu Nagai ............ 19
Process and Contingency: Whitehead and Shuzo Kuki
Yoshihiro Arakawa ............ 49
The Intensity of Imcomparableness
-Ethics over the uniqueness referring Kitaro Nishida and Whitehead-
Eugene Itabashi
............ 65
and Caring: Ethics of Caring Founded on the Philosophy of Organism
Yasuto Murata
............ 91
On Whitehead's Theory of Propositions
Nobuto Saito
Salvation of Human Existence as a Historical Discussion
Yoshitaka Goh
The Topos of Nothingness and the World Process I
Yutaka Tanaka
............ 145 |
Process Thought No.9 / 2000 |
The Japan Society for Process Studies |
On Recent Discussions between Griffin and Kim
Concerning Supervenience
Hiroshi Endo
............ 2 Alfred North Whitehead's Political Theory and Cybernetics
Shigeyuki Itow
............ 10
From "Field" to "Process":
Whitehead seen from Merleau Ponty
Tetsuya Kono
............ 34
The Continuum Atomized:
in Light of Peirce's Synechism
Masato Ishida
............ 48
The Intensity of Experience
Ichiro Hirata
............ 60
Relatedness and the Emotional Intellect:
Examining Whitehead's Philosophy of Organizm
Yasuto Murata
............ 74
Summaries of Japanese Articles
............ 88
The World as the Active Presence of Eternity
Makoto Ozaki
............ 97 |
Process Thought No.8 / 1998 |
The Japan Society for Process Studies |
Zeitlichkeit und Ondividualitaet:
Leibniz, Husserl, Whitehead
Shigeru Tagichi
............ 3Process and Circle:
Process Thought in Heidegger's Ontology
Yasuto Murata
............ 15
Variety of Religious Pluralism
Yoshitaka Goh
............ 27
Nature and
Makoto Ozaki ............ 62
Lilies of the Field
Toil Not Neither Do They Spin:
Biblical Echo in Whitehead's Thoughts
on Education
Tamotu Yoshima .............78
Creativity to Ontogenetic Matrix:
Learning from Whitehead's Account of the Ultimate
Jorge Luis Nobo